Friday, April 20, 2012

Why it is Important your Swimming Pool or Spa Builder is a Certified Building Professional (CBP)

Posted by Lysti Grassman

What is The Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP)?

The APSP is the world’s largest international trade association and leading advocate representing the swimming pool and spa industry. Members adhere to a code of business ethics and share a commitment to public health and safety in the use of swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs.

The APSP website has a wealth of information for perspective pool owners you can check it out here:

It is important that your pool builder, and even service professional, be a member of the APSP because it points to their credibility and professionalism.   Any reputable swimming pool builder or service company will be a member of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals. Pool Pros is a member of the APSP.

You can search for members of the APSP in your area here:
The APSP also offers professional certifications. These certifications are an important indicator to both the knowledge, and the commitment towards safety and continuing education, of your swimming pool builder or service provider. Some of the certifications offered by the APSP include:

NSPF Certified Pool and Spa Operator (CPO)
Certified Maintenance Specialist (CMS)
Certified Service Technician (CST)
Certified Hot Tub Technician (CHTT)
Certified Building Professional (CBP)

Mike Bowers President of Pool Pros has earned ALL of the above certifications.

So what is a Certified Building Professional?
Here is what the APSP has to say about their CBP certification:

The CBP certification further enhances the knowledge, credibility and professionalism of an APSP member builder. This is the highest of the professional certifications from the APSP that your swimming pool builder can hold. Finding a swimming pool and spa builder who is a member of the APSP and has attained the CBP should be an important step in the process of finding a reputable builder.

The APSP CBP program enhances the professional identity and academic background of our builder members through an emphasis on ethical standards, commitment to the highest standards of construction and workmanship, business stability and superior customer relations. To earn this certification, qualified APSP members must successfully complete a standardized written examination that measures their knowledge of residential and commercial pool and spa construction. APSP builders who have attained this academic achievement are allowed the privilege of posting the prestigious designation of CBP with their name. And much the same as any professional certification, CBP must complete ongoing continuing education requirements on a regular basis in order to maintain their certification.

For more information on the APSP recommendations for Choosing a Professional Pool Builder:

     Pool Pros Recommendation:           
Hire only those professionals who have demonstrated their commitment to sound building standards, ethical business practices and your safety by becoming members of the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals.  In addition, to further protect your investment and give yourself the added peace of mind, hire a CPB to build your swimming pool. Basically, a pool builder who is a CPB is akin to an accountant who is a CPA, or a dentist who is a DDS.  Mike Bowers President of Pool Pros is a CBP.

You can view a list of current APSP members who have earned their CBP designation here:

Pool Pros Inc.
Green Bay, WI


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Your Home Is Insulated, Your Swimming Pool Should Be Too.

Our Blog has moved! You can read the original post below or visit our our new blog and read this article and more here: 

Posted by Lysti Grassman

At Pool Pros we are always trying to come up with ways to save our customers energy and money and in our Wisconsin climate, insulating your swimming pool makes great sense

Thermo-Wall Roll

In fact, we encourage all of our customers to insulate their above ground swimming pools with both Thermo-Wall™ Reflective Insulation for Pool Walls and Insul-Floor™ Reflective Insulation for Pool Floors.  This insulation reduces heat loss by up to 80%!

The Termo-Wall itself is a 3/16” thick metalized foil/bubble/clear poly material, it is ultra resistant and light weight, with a 69 PSI puncture rate. The insulation comes in a roll like this and can be installed by Pool Pros or purchased from Pool Pros for the do-it-yourselfers.

The Thermo-Wall insulation reflects solar energy in the water,
adds R-value, and is also an excellent vapor barrier.

Similarly, the Insul-Floor, is a bubble/foil/bubble material with a 140 PSI compression rate and 69 PSI puncture rate, and is ultra resistant and light weight.  The Insul-Floor also reflects solar energy in water, is an excellent vapor barrier, and breaks thermal bridge between the liner and ground.

Pool Pros Recommendation

If you are thinking about getting an above ground pool, you should definitely consider insulating it with both the
Thermo-Wal and the Insul-Floor. 

The Thermo-Wall is also a good idea for in groud vinyl pools too. 

If you have an existing pool, consider having it insulated the next time you have a liner replacement. 

Both the Thermo-Wall and the Insul-Floor are quick and easy to install and relatively inexpensive.

Pool Pros Inc.
Green Bay, WI

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things to consider before buying a Swimming Pool Liner

Posted by Lysti Grassman

Mil vs. Gauge (GA)
When buying a swimming pool liner, it is very important to verify if the thickness measurement  of the vinyl you are being quoted for is in Mil or Gauge.

It is important to note that a Mil is a standardized measurement that can be measured with a micrometer, where a Gauge is not. One Mil is equal to an exact .001 of an inch. A 20 Mil liner is .020 of an inch thick, and a 25 Mil liner is a little thicker at .025 of an inch thick. One Gauge, on the other hand, can mean different things from one manufacturer to the next. Some will use Mil and Gauge interchangeably and this might not be correct.

Most reputable swimming pool retailers sell their swimming pool l
iners measured in Mil.

Above ground liners usually are between 20 and 25 Mil.

Many online retailers sell their liners measured in Gauge, they want you to assume that a 20 Gauge liner is the same as a 20 Mil liner, when in fact it is almost always a thinner liner. Unless they specifically say their 20 Gauge liner is 20 Mil thick, then you should assume it is not.

You will also want to verify if the liner is the same measurement on both the sides and bottom. Some liners are thicker on the bottom, and a little thinner on the sides. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, you just will want to verify what the retailer is offering, so you can be sure you are comparing apples to apples and know exactly what you are paying for.

Embossed vs. Non-Embossed
Embossed vinyl liners vary in thickness. The thickness of an embossed pool liner is measured from the thickest point of the liner or the high point of the embossing, rather than the thinner valley, which is the true thickness of the liner. Simply put, a 20 Mil embossed liner is not 20 Mil but in fact thinner.

Embossed Liner
Non-Embossed Liner

Pool Pros Recommendation

Buy a non-embossed liner from a reputable local dealer, measured in Mil.
Better yet, buy from Pool Pros!

Pool Pros Inc.
Green Bay, WI

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Blue Hawaiian Fiberglass Pools

This is a beautiful free-form design fiberglass pool from Blue Hawaiian Fiberglass Pools. The Blue Isle Pool  is colored in Galaxy Blue Gelcoat & is accentuated by a raised wall of natural limestone featuring a waterfall & plantings.

Posted by: Michael Bowers

Freedom Pool

This is a traditional round in ground vinyl pool by Pool Pros. It is dual insulated to drastically reduce heat loss. This pool is very economical & compares closely to the  price of a similarly equipped above ground pool enclosed with traditional decking.  A great option  for pool shoppers at a great price.

Posted by: Michael Bowers